Monday, June 4, 2012


So I know tons of people have written blogs about who they think would make the perfect cast for a movie version of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. I feel like putting my two cents in on few people I think would do a good job.

Jamie Fraser - Chris Hemsworth: (Now let me first tell you that I have had a hard time seeing any actor as embodying my vision of what Jamie Fraser looks like and this actor is the first that even comes close! His portrayal of the Huntsman in 'Snow White and the Huntsman' clinched it for me. His accent in the movie was perfect. He's tall and broad and handsome and has beautiful blue eyes. He's very good at the physical stuff that an actor would have to be able to do to play Jamie. I think he would do an amazing job!!)

Claire Randall/Fraser - Rachel Weisz: (She has always been Claire for me from the moment I saw her for the first time in The Mummy. She's got the accent already and she fits the description in my mind.):

Frank/Black Jack Randall - Jason Isaacs: (As soon as I saw him in The Patriot I thought he was perfect. Col. Tavington is exactly like Black Jack Randall. He is really good at playing the slick villain and I think he would be perfect in this role!)

Brianna Fraser - Sophia Myles or Amanda Seyfried: (I think either of these actresses would do a good job in the role and would be a believable mixture of Rachel Weisz and Chris Hemsworth. I realize that these actresses are both blonde and Brianna has red hair like Jamie but they could go red for the film.)

Roger Wakefield/Mackenzie - Colin Farrell: (He may be a little old for the part of Roger but he is the closest I can think of too what I picture Roger to look like. But this character is one that I haven't quite found the perfect casting for, but I wouldn't be upset if he were cast.)

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